Babyccino "My Jewish Home" Curriculum

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Babyccino "My Jewish Home" Curriculum


This Babyccino Curriculum is for 8 classes and includes this complete comprehensive package:

  • The rights to use the name “Babyccino” for a 'Mommy and Me'
  • Your own customized Babyccino promotional material
  • The philosophy behind Babyccino
  • The method to promote the classes
  • The complete classroom layout (including links for furniture purchases)
  • The Circle Time Guide (including song playlist and links for props)
  • The fully descriptive 8-class curriculum (including links for all supplies needed) featuring expressive arts, sensory therapy, music + movement, and science in theme with "My Jewish Home"!

The Curriculum consists of a “theme”/unit, the music playlist for that theme, and 3 detailed classes. It basically lays it all out for you – you can practically spend one Sunday getting things together off the list of items (which you will be able to pull up on-the-go in an app on your phone), set them aside all ready-to-go, and never have to plan another mommy & me again. Seriously.

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