Lips by Tom Ford

Ladies, Tom Ford is doing lips. This month under his Private Blend label, the design mogul known for his stupendous turnaround of the Gucci Group's assets and of course for his own design label, has unveiled his signature lipstick line. And while not many girls are likely to pay-up for a simple tube of lipstick, Ford fans (who understand that this man - delivers!) are going wild. A palette of 12 "perfect" lip colors, scented with chamomile, packed with the purest of pigment, and utterly creamy - thanks to loads of Brazilian murumuru butter. His ivory, gold-rimmed case creation is classic and heavyweight; a tribute to our grandmothers - the way they'd open an ornate case, spin out the bullet, and paint their pout was so, i don't know, glamourous. So not lip-gloss. As mothers, we all know how tough it can be to consistently look put-together on the go - but a good lipstick is all a girl needs. One coat and we're dressed. Thanks for the help Tom. Private Blend Lip Color, $45.00

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