Light Up with Magnets

Happy Chanukah, dear readers! I hope you all enjoy these eight crazy nights - to the fullest. Chanukah is the most delicious when it's spend with family - so get snuggly, indulge in some greasy goodies, and savor the bright light your family brings to your life...  Here's to those miracles!

I decided to dodge out of the impending power-struggle that would surely ensue every Friday night following us allowing Freida to light her own Menorah. She had been begging to light Shabbos candles for months now, and while I'm not against a two-year-old lighting in theory... I do feel it's unnecessarily dangerous. Three-year-old girls lighting their own candles was perfect guidance - seems to be just the right age for understanding the importance and the responsibility. I knew if I let her light her own candles on Chanukah, I would never hear the end of it come Shabbos. Therefore, I nixed the idea of crafting her Menorah altogether, and went with a simple magnetic flame cut-out.

I cut up some construction paper and let her stamp it out her style - via, do-a-dots. She also used some stickers left over from her Chanukah crown (thanks Sara - they went a loooong way!). I cut out some flames from foam sheets, and glued some magnets on the paper and on the flames. Much more toddler friendly, much more fun, and way less nerve-wracking. She can light her own candles next year, once she's three. Until then, it's magnets for my little dreidel-loving maydel!

Chag Sameach, Mamas!!

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