Tubular Turbans

I'm just loving what turbans can do to keep you nice and toasty this winter; it's all in the head wrap! Spotted some hot turban options available over at BlackMarketBaby on Etsy:

But the best head-wrap I've laid eyes on is this Paola 100% Italian cashmere knit turban from Verdel (there's a giveaway going on here). This can top off and pull together any fall/winter ensemble, even when your shirt is covered in spit up, your lipstick is smeared on your child's cheek, and you haven't yet managed to don some proper shoes. I just love those cult pieces that do it all - it's like buying a great pair of frames; they're always there to make you look put-together - even when you've been up since 4:30am with a coughing toddler, realized you were out of coffee, and got a flat tire during the morning carpool route...

Verdel Paola Cashmere Knit Turban

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