Rip + Tatter: Shredded Seating

Cardboard furniture has been on the uprise even before WALL-E programed the masses green. I posted about a cardboard highchair, a foldable play-space, and Freida's cardboard Sukkah (+ other green goodies) before, but this paper shredder is apparently the ultimate in regard to "furniture". Rip + Tatter is from designer Pete Oyler (I love his Cricket Bench), and while it looks like it can take the term biodegradable to a brand spankin' new place (i.e. your living room); word has it (Oyler's word!) that the prototypes have been acclimating in their "Brooklyn test nurseries" for a year, and they remain remarkably intact!

These totally play-up my recent pull toward industrial themed furniture - you can't exactly give kids concrete, steel, and mango wood - but this cardboard messiness is totally appropriate! Brings shabby-chic to a whole new level - the playroom!

Rip + Tatter, $55

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