Kids + Casa

I landed upon "Where Children Sleep" by James Mollison, over at Creative Review last week, and I just can't stop thinking about it! The whole project was so intellectually and emotionally provoking! Maybe it's just me, and although this is nothing novel, I still find it so incredibly interesting that a room - the most physical and tangible of things - can say so much about it's dweller! Perhaps it is just the magic of Mollison's lens that manages to provide such deep insight from the life of the child as well as from the room. While most of these stories provide keen insight to the lives of children around the world, some of them are more heartbreaking... I found it fascinatingly educational, and this is definitely something I think all (older) children would benefit from - as an exploration of the many diverse lives of other children the world over.

You can read Where Children Sleep here.

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