Homeschooling: the Frequent 4

For those of you who really don't see yourselves writing out full-on lesson plans, the "frequent 4" are a sure-fire and much simplified way to make sure you get all the growing-kid goodness packed into one little day.

I use white board markers on my fridge, but you can use a paper, a chalkboard, a framed whiteboard DIY, or anything else you see fit. It's basically a method of 4 categories, and simply making sure to do one of each of them every day.

My "frequent 4" are: Create, Refresh, Learn, and Move. It basically comes down to doing something creative (art, music, crafts etc.), something outdoors (park, walk, swim etc.), something educational (letters, numbers, science etc.), and some form of exercise (dancing, yoga, races etc.). You honestly won't believe how simple and productive your days with your toddler/child will become!

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