Tip the Scale.

While I didn't have the energy to trek out to Lakeshore for a kid-friendly balance scale, nor the extra $ to fund this little experiment, I was surprised at how easily we were able to put one together out of regular household items.

DIY Scale

- 1 hook

- 1 hanger

- 2 matching bags, baskets, or boxes

- string

What I loved most about this was that I was able to leave it out all week and let her mess around with how how ever she wanted, with all different toys etc. She would go over and play with it whenever she wanted, and because it was so cheap and simple I wasn't worried about her putting in things that were too heavy and breaking it - she had total freedom to experiment however she wanted.

While I did talk a bit about good side/bad side, and how Hashem measures our mitzvos, this did generally seem too advanced for her (even when I put in a marble every time she did a mitzvah etc.) and pretty much went right over her head. Good to know for next year though. We'll take 2 when she's 3. :)

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