Holiday Cookie Art

Freida had some serious Chanukah fun with this box-of-cookie-crafts that her Zaidy sent her for Chanukah (thanks Ta!). It was such a fun and simple way to engage her in the holiday prep (peeling potatoes is exciting and all but doesn't hold a little candle to making and decking-out a tray of holiday desserts!), and get her creatively involved in hosting a Chanukah dinner. She was literally able to do the whole thing on her own (with a little help from the Kitchen Aid), and the box included everything you need to make a super-cute sweet and edible Chanukah display.

The instructions were written out with little icons making the recipe reading skill-free.

It was basically just a regular sugar cookie mix (you add margarine, eggs, and water), Chanukah cookie cutters, and a mix of white royal icing.

After the royal icing hardens, the kids can literally "paint" onto the cookies with the most adorable little food-coloring paint palette and water color brushes!

Basically, 'twas a super-fun way to deck the holiday table! Just thought you might want to keep this in mind for a great pre-Chanukah gift next year! :)

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