New Girl

Was going to post about some other things this week, but you know when there's just something on your mind taking over all your energies? I'm so excited I just can't contain myself!! My dear sister Shterni gave birth to a beautiful baby girl!!! I'm so overjoyed for her and her family, and I'm just dying to jump in the car and trek out to meet my new little niece! Funny I had just written some musings on having a sister, and I'm so happy for my 9-year-old niece that after 2 brothers she finally has a sister!!  Also, I've been thinking about how interesting it must be to have a girl after two boys, or vice versa. I just can'y imagine my sister going all girly!! :) I've been browsing the plethora of beautiful children's goods on the internet this morning - to help out in that department... ha! Anyways, how ridiculously cute is this crocheted pompom hat?? Fun place to start!

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