Disney Princesses on #Instagram

princess freida Freida has definitely been bitten by the queen bee recently. She's all aflutter with talk of princesses, castles, knights, and kisses. She was always overtly girly and perpetually in a tutu, but this princess-y thing is pretty new around here. Her library book selections went from "How to Do Gymnastics" to "Rapunzel", and she's been begging to watch clips of Disney Princesses, and even created her own "mitzvah charts" to win a trip to Disney Land! : )

I found this #disneyprincessesoninstagram series this weekend and i laughed so hard,  my coke zero almost messed up my keyboard. Check it out:

disney princesses on instagram

disney princesses on instagram

disney princesses on instagram

disney princesses on instagram

disney princesses on instagram

How hilariously spot-on?? You can see the whole series on Mashable.

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