Filtering by Category: Into the Mouths of Children

One Last Summer Scoop

best ice cream scooper So! The end of August is a little lad to be sharing Summer tips, but I've only just discovered the very best ice cream scooper EVER. And I figured I'd share the joy of deliciously delectably just-soft-enough scoops of summer-y goodness, for you to savor the last little bits of the ice cream season.

best ice cream scoop

You may have heard of the $20 Zeroll ice cream scoop. Well, this is it's knockoff. And while I feel bad for the awesome folks at Zeroll for coming up with the most genius ice cream invention since the waffle cone only to have it ripped off and sold for under 5 bucks, I'm happier that someone actually did knock it off and bring perfect scoops of ice cream to the masses. The idea is this: the scooper is made of cast aluminum and is filled with self-defrosting fluid in the handle. Just by holding the handle, you're warming up the liquid and when you turn it upside down to scoop... well, the proof is in the pudding ice cream.

best ice cream scoop

We've been eating way too many ice cream cones around here since I bought this amazing little kitchen gadget! It may just be the best $5 you'll ever spend. Get one here.

best ice cream scoop

best ice cream scoop

2 more things:

Seasonal Snacking

organic green figs I love these Summer months and the garden bounty that comes with them! Suddenly, my crisper drawer is filled with fruits and vegetables that not just taste juicy and succulent, but even smell heavenly. It's like we go 8 months eating generic tomatoes - tasteless, styrofoam versions of the real thing, and suddenly without even noting it, we're cutting up fragrant, fleshy, juicy summer tomatoes! Same with the berries! Whiter-than-they-should-be strawberries that taste pretty much like an extremely watered-down batch of the real thing... But nothing really makes my palate sing quite like summer figs! Green figs, to be exact. This colorful little gems are by far one of my favorite fruits, and I've been pounding suthem all season long. Hudi's been loving them as well, and usually has one or two with breakfast or lunch. And both my girls even chowed down on fig and feta pizza last week! What I'm saying is, go out and get yourself some green figs if you haven't yet this season - they're too good to miss out on! Farmers Market, Whole Foods, and Trader Joes all carry organic, locally grown, giant, gooey ones. They're impossibly delicious with sliced Havarti, or a smudge of Camembert. They will only be available for another month or two so get 'em while you can!!

organic green figs

Also, figs seem to be cropping up all over the fad-foodie blogs. Try them in recipes like this, this, and this.

Whipped Feta!

whipped feta The concept of "nine-days dinners" tends to be a little cliched. Everyone seems to always be talking about how difficult it is to produce family-friendly nutritious meat-free deliciousness for a whole week. And while I grew up eating mostly Macrobiotic (meet my mother) and was even vegetarian for about 10 years, I still tend to get a little bored as the 9 days taper off... So! I was browsing some foodie sites a bit this morning over coffee, and I happened upon whipped feta and almost fell out of my seat! This stuff is just genius. I mean, Pinterest has been showcasing the usage of feta in a myriad of different salads and sandwiches, so apparently it's a big food trend at the moment, but nothing I've seen even comes close to the awesomeness of this creation!! This makes the richness of feta as easily available as chummas! Dunk some pita chips, dollop some in your eggs, slather on toast, spread in a lasagna, stuff some mushrooms... this stuff is wickedly adaptable and seems to be simple as ever to conjure up!!

whipped feta

And so, as soon as my kid's early morning screening of Nick Jr. is through, we'll be heading out on our Sunday morning walking ritual (with the pull-toy crocodile in tow, no doubt), and heading over to Trader Joe's in quest for the best feta ever to whip up some novel lunch and dinner. Here's the recipe:

- 8 ounces feta cheese, crumbled and at room temperature

- 3 ounces whipped cream cheese, at room temperature

Add crumbled feta to a food processor and pulse until small crumbs remain. Add in cream cheese and puree for 4-5 minutes, scraping down the sides when necessary, until feta is super creamy. That's all. :)


whipped feta

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