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Motherhood Tips

Ariana Goldman I really don't think I would be enjoying motherhood as much (or have gotten through the intensity of new motherhood as well) without the tips and advice from other mamas. There's just no way I would have figured certain things out on my own. In fact, most of my tried-and-true favorite methods of managing the mayhem (of motherhood in general, and now of single-working-mom) are tips and ideas I've ripped off of other way-more-seasoned women. Everyone has a few of their favorites that likely come to mind were someone to ask you for your very best mom-tip, and I sure can think of a slew of my own that I'd love to share with you here. But for now, here are 5 motherhood tips from 5 awesome famous mamas via Clementine Daily. Not all of these are for everyone, but there's something here for anyone. Enjoy!

Camille Styles

From GABRIELLE BLAIR: Use smaller blocks of time. I might have an hour’s worth of laundry to wash and fold and put away, but I don’t have a full hour to dedicate to it. Instead, I grab 15 minutes in the morning, 20 minutes during the baby’s nap, 5 after dinner and another 10 minutes when the baby is in bed. It’s not ideal, but for me, it has become second nature.

From HATCH Founder Ariana Goldman: Make a game out of life's errands! If my daughter Charlie's singing and playing through clean-up, dressing and getting out the door, she's not likely to tantrum or cry.

From CAMILLE STYLES: Get up early! I love to set my alarm for an hour before anyone else in my house wakes up, which leaves me with a blissful sixty minutes to do whatever I want: work out, catch up on emails with friends, make plans for the weekend, think about my dinner menu (yes I'm the type who likes to plan dinner during breakfast.) It leaves me feeling calm, centered and ready to take on the day...  which is a good thing, since once my 18-month-old wakes up, it's "go" time.

From PARENT HACKS Founder Asha Dornfest: When the schedule balance tips toward too full, I immediately scale down my dinnertime meal plans. I fall back to 3-4 quick meals I can prepare without a recipe AND with ingredients I have on hand (ex: veg/chicken stir fry + rice). Dinner is a particular sticking point for me right now, so having 1-2 meals stashed in the freezer works like an insurance policy. When I KNOW, no matter what, we've got something good to eat for dinner, I can relax and enjoy the spontaneity of my day.

From our very own Managing Editor AMANDA CARTER GOMES: Everything is temporary. The good, bad and ugly. Today's tantrum is as fleeting as tonight's bedtime back pat requests (though I do hope the latter practice sticks around for years to come). This helps keep me a little centered during trying moments and reminds me to appreciate the endearing phases even more.

Gabrielle Blair

P.S. One of my favorite tips: keep kids busy and involved in any event by getting them setup with something of their own related to whatever it is that is going on. Thanksgiving meal? Set up a kids table with butcher paper and crayons. Date Night? Leave the kids a new puzzle to knock out with their babysitter while you're gone. Cross-country flight? Set kids up with their own backpacks ("luggage") filled with slews of in-flight-entertainment options. Dinner Party? Let the kids put on a show (they usually practice for hours letting adults mingle happily together before becoming the audience). I got this concept from Cookie magazine in 2008 and I've been using something to this effect ever since. It takes a little thought and minimal effort, but it really works! Occupying children will always keep them happy. At least for a little while. :)

On erev Pesach in Chicago we set the kids up with a little craft table using a kit of Passover Plague Puppets and some glue. They were busy there for hours, and left us to cooking and holiday prep in the kitchen and beyond. Then they practiced their "show" all afternoon! And it was the highlight of the Seder on both nights. It kept the kids awake and excited for maggid, and it was some fun and humorous entertainment for all of the adults in attendance. Thankfully we managed to get them to put it on one more time after the holiday so that we could record their cuteness!

(I got such a kick of the "death of the newborns" plague. I guess dancing around the graphicness has it's price - confusion! :))


business minded I've been majorly MIA. And while I miss writing so so much, I've been doing my fair share of actual penning in my leather-bound journal. There is just so much going on inside of me and so much transpiring and unfolding in my life. I really do like to write about things here and explore them out loud, but at this moment my life is about other people (my husband, my kids) as much as it is about myself, and when those are happier healthier things I'm happy to share them here. But for now, since they are sad and shaky and not-so-simple, I'd rather not exploit myself and my family much... When things are more settled and certain I will be back to writing honestly and sharing my feelings about my struggles and pain and growth...

That said, I've been missing from this scene due to business and busy-ness more than anything else. I've had the shock of suddenly realizing that I may need to be supporting myself completely. And so I've had to create a plan on the spot. Actually, scratch that. There wasn't even time for a plan. I just had to do it. So! I completely threw myself into growing Babyccino, since that's what I had to begin with. (And even that didn't exactly go smoothly, there's been unexpected opposition and threats that make me feel like I'm a living soap opera. But more on what I've leant from opposition another time! :)) The fright of having to go from full-time mom to full-time businessperson has been draining and exhilarating at the same time. And I really haven't had much mental space for anything but that and just getting through my regular day-to-day life. It's amazing how my whole world can fall apart, and yet it's all still going - I've got carpools, and dinners, and nightmares, and playdates, and nursing, and morning meltdowns, playgrounds...the list goes on. Pretty endlessly. And I'm happy and grateful for all of it; it keeps me from falling apart, it keeps me on my feet. And mostly, those little things - those little girls keep me smiling.

Anyways! The reason for this post was to share with you my current inspiration: Tina Roth Eisenberg, otherwise known as SwissMiss, has been compelling me for years. This video had sparked something inside of me months ago:


And this week I've been moved and motivated by this Free Radicals article for PSFK, titled "Why Confronting Deep Fear is the Key to Creativity" - which piqued my interest immediately. Here's a few of my favorite key points, but you should definitely head over there and read the full article:

I just start thinking about where am I in my life, it’s like this milestone where you have to stop bullshitting yourself, you have to really address the things you want to do.

If I’m aiming to do one thing, it’s to have one set of values that I can apply both at work and at home, because at the end of the day, work and home—you’re just being you.

I have this personal rule, if I’m afraid of something, I really need to do it, because that means that I will learn a lot from it. That’s what I live for. I live for that feeling that I’ve dared, I’ve tried something new, and I’ve learned something new.

The Creative Mornings concept she created is what really got my gut to tell me to grow Babyccino, to try something new, something adventurous. It made me think that if something is wonderful and necessary in your world, it's very likely wonderful and necessary in other worlds as well. Creative Mornings inspired me to realize that when something works in one place, it can very well work as well in another. And that thought is what helped incubate the Babyccino curriculum idea. I've been so busy with it, and it's been such a learning curve for me. And, mostly, I'm so happy that it's been successful - Babyccino is now operating in over 15 cities nationwide, and in more than 20 schools and organizations!!

And that my friends, is where I have been. It's been long and tiring and tedious, but mostly it's been fun and enjoyable. For real! I will be making an effort to get back into the mode of writing here, especially because I have a few very awesome - albeit very materialistic - finds to share with you! Stay tuned...

A freidafroo Facelift

freidafroo3a1a.jpg freidafroo iconYou may have noticed some design changes going on around here today. That's what happens when I spend the holidays with my wildly creative design-genius of a brother, Yossi - complete re-branding awesomeness (thanks Yos!!). Turns out, I hadn't even haphazardly touched upon the design aspects of freidafroo since 2009!! It was high time for a little facelift - with a capital F (it's actually lowercase, but you catch the drift). So! Please meet the new freidafroo icon, this quirky little f-based logo. And join me on a quest to note and love even the littlest things in life - be it our amazing little people, cute little toys, or simple little finds that make us happy.

I'll be making a few more technical changes over the next few days, so please be patient if things like your RSS feed or subscription are briefly interrupted.

Also, if you wanna hang out more - follow this little f on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest!


Babyccino: DIY

babyccino blank After many many inquiries from women looking to re-create Babyccino (I've mentioned Babyccino here, here, and here), and me getting tired of spotting knock-offs and working damage control, I've finally decided to put in the time to create a complete Babyccino package. And, more importantly, I've finally finished it.

Babyccino is now for sale!

Buy-in will include this complete comprehensive package:

  • The rights to use the name "Babyccino"
  • The Babyccino promotional material - text altered to your needs
  • The philosophy behind Babyccino
  • The method to promote the classes
  • The complete classroom layout (including links for furniture purchases)
  • The Circle Time "how-to" (including song playlist and links for props)
  • The fully descriptive Fall 2013 Curriculum (including links for supplies)

The Curriculum consists of a "theme"/unit, the music playlist for that theme, and 8 detailed classes. (We will be selling 3 different curriculums throughout the year -  8 fall classes, 8 winter classes, 8 spring classes.) It basically lays it all out for you - you can practically spend one Sunday getting things together off the list of items detailed here, set them aside all ready-to-go, and never have to plan another mommy & me again. Seriously.

You should hit up the Babyccino facebook page to get an idea of what I'm talking about. There you can view full photo-documentation of all our previous classes and you'll see what it's all about.

buy babyccino

I know the timing for this launch is possibly the worst, but my life has been so completely overturned lately and I was really only able to get it together now... I figure it's better for you to have it on your radar going into the chagim even if you can't capitalize on it until afterwards. And! For those of you who are planning on having a mommy & me anyways and would love to join in this and promote it over Yom Kippur when Chabad foot-traffic is at it's best, my graphic designer has a knack for working down to the wire, and if you're really interested he can get the text changes done and the flyer to you ASAP. Because we're good like that. :)

babyccino for sale

Join the team of women bringing pint-sized Jewish fun to your local neighborhood moms and their tots! Educating the start of the next generation has never been easier!!

buy babyccino

babyccino for sale

For pricing, interests, and inquiries please email, and I will do my very best to help you get started immediately. Looking forward to working together!! :)

babyccino for sale

 © 2015 TheFroo. All rights reserved. Babyccino, Bubbyccino and Little Yogis are all trademarks of TheFroo®