Filtering by Category: Pregnancy


This is where we were a week ago, today. In total awe and gratitude over the birth of our new beautiful baby girl, Yehudis.

While she looks like quite a chunkster in this post-birth photo, she only weighed-in at 5.13 :)

And it's the most precious 5 pound bundle on earth.

While Freida adjusts to her new baby doll sister (she is over the moon about the baby, not so much about the changes), and I rest up here at home while bonding with the sweetest big-eyed, button-nosed little lady, I just wanted to let you all in on the birth of our newest family member, and let you know that, thank God, we are doing just great!

For now, my mom is here taking care of us - feeding me nonstop and spending an impeccable amount of time playing with Freida and giving her heaps of much-needed attention. I've been sleeping and sleeping and trying my best to stay off my feet and listen to my mothers orders. :)

I really want to write up the birth story (as well as finally write up Freida's birth story), and post a few pregnancy posts that have been sitting in my draft box for over a week! I hope to do so as soon as I'm up for a bit more screen time, but for now I'll just leave you with a few pictures of the new baby, and a promise to write more about it all later...


Growing Gowns

My sister has been on a very long quest for an evening dress to wear to her girlfriends wedding this month, and all her shopping got me thinking about evening maternity wear... Somehow, both during my pregnancy with Freida and this time 'round, I haven't had an event that called for formal evening wear or a gown. But, I'd imagine it must be thrilling and exciting to create something wondrous to show-off that goddess-like baby bump! Happened upon this image of Gisele doing a maternity shoot for Vogue, and I'm just swooning over the natural and flowing texture - perfect for relaying the message of woman and her mysterious miracles.

For more maternity formal wear inspiration check out this star-studded lineup of red-carpet worthy looks!

Nature Babies

Naturally, I've got babies on my mind... and these images of newborn baby animals popping up all over Pinterest have surprisingly got my heart smothered in mama-love.

If any of you are swooning over these teeny-tiny animal features like I am, check out the Sharon Montrose shop (I mentioned it previously here) for a modern menagerie of baby animal photography - worthy of even the most sleek and svelte homes!

Yeah, it's baby fever. :)


There's no denying that this little equation is the absolute best thing about love!

While browsing the web this afternoon, I came across 3 lovely love-themed things I'd love to share:

So many one-liners I'd love to type up for these little felted fortune cookies!

These love-struck brownies have got to be the easiest V-day dessert ever!

I would just swoon over getting one of these in the mail!

Hope you were all able to spend some special time together with you love today...

Weekend Round-up!

Happiest weekend wishes!! We're going for the homestretch here - each time I open my planner, my heart skips a beat seeing how close my due date is (12 days!) - so right now I'm all about last-minute pre-baby tasks. And there are heaps of them! My lists don't stop, but thankfully I've been crossing plenty off recently, and I'm starting to feel settled enough to go at any moment (besides for the unpacked hospital bag!). It was so much fun opening up boxes of stored baby gear - some things made me feel like it's been ages since my last newborn, and other things had me reeling at how recently I stored them away! Yesterday, Freida and I went through a huge box of baby things (plush rattles, swaddle blankets, newborn rompers etc.) - it was so special to be doing that with her; feeling like I've got this beautiful big girl on my hands, helping out with the newborn chores... :) So while I go through and fold this basket of freshly-laundered baby items, here are a few things I've been meaning to share over the course of this week:

- These popcorn bird-feeder garlands are such a charming fine-motor skill activity for Shabbos Shira! (Plastic needles will do the trick!)

- A whimsical read + a wonderful recipe for french toast.

- A $200 bubble blower. Baby keepsake, anyone? :)

- 2012 in Nail Laquer.

- This insanely-awesome playhouse has left me dreamy....

- This bathroom-themed survey made me laugh out loud.

- This hot-pink number got me thinking about my right to bare arms.

- I loved this honest + beautiful piece on parenhood.

- Ever wonder how much you'd earn if all your housework was done as a paying job?

- Hilarious (and ridiculous!) Super Bowl cupcakes!

Have a wonderful February weekend!!! I'll be back to share some of my hospital-bag-packing necessities next week!

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