Life and Death

Been dealing with a death in the family... my husband's grandfather was recently diagnosed with a terminal illness and passed away over Pesach (we flew back immediately to make it for the funeral). When we went to visit him before leaving town, I had a really hard time processing the "goodbye" stage, and after a few sleepless nights I picked up a copy of Tuesdays with Morrie. I'm sure many (or most) of you have read this book at some point (for a high school english class perhaps?), but it was very different reading it when it was actually pertinent. The book explores the Life and Death phenomenon so deeply and honestly that you can't help but come to terms with death. Peaceful terms. It lends a new meaning to everyday life and inspires the reader to breathe each breath with a clearer understanding of purpose. As I consumed the wisdom through those chapters, I couldn't help but feel that this is precisely the sort of advice and guidance his grandfather would've wished to part us with - the intense wisdom that comes only through life and age... We'll miss you Gramps.

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