Banana Wraps

My mom used to make these for us when we were little, and Freida goes nuts for them!! Some people call these "banana dogs" or "banana bites", but Freida pretty much dubbed it the "banana wrap" - which works. :)

This yummy little treat is quite actually a full and well balanced meal for a little one (or a big one, for that matter). It's anatomy is rather basic: tortilla, peanut butter, honey, banana. Bingo.

(Obviously, the point of this is a healthy on-the-go snack/meal i.e. go with whole wheat wraps and natural peanut butter!!)

Just spread the PB...

Drizzle some honey...

Add a ripe banana and wrap it up!

If you pinch/fold the bottom end, you can give it to them like this (banana dog-style):

Or you can then slice it into chunks (banana bites), and bump up the fun with some chopsticks!

This nutrient-rich line-up makes it a full meal due to the soluble fiber in the whole wheat wrap, abundant protein + fat in the peanut butter, vitamin/mineral-laden honey, plus the carbs/fiber/vitamin C/potassium of the banana.

Especially in the summer, when the activity level (and consequently, the exhaustion) is cranked up a notch, a well-fed child equals a well-behaved child. And that, my dears, equals a happy mama!

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