Memorial Monday

Happy Tuesday everyone! Hope you all enjoyed your extended Memorial Day weekend! Good luck cleaning up the grill, and getting back into the swing of things starting out the week a day late...

We spent Shabbos up in the mountains at Running Springs with many other fabulous young couples on the Young Chevra Shabbaton, and had the most incredibly outgoing, uplifting, and fantastic time!! The weekend was so inspiring that I'm now compelled to write about it... so you will be hearing more about the amazing weekend getaway soon enough! :)

Anyways, for some reason Memorial Day always makes me feel like it's finally Summer, and with yesterday's weather I was really getting excited! My sister drove up from Arizona with her family, and met up with us at our Long Beach community BBQ at the Hebrew Academy campus. Freida was so over-excited by their impending visit (and intensely overwhelmed from the whole weekend away), that it was the first time in her little life that I let her fully skip her nap! And surprisingly, she didn't seem to mind that much... Granted there was enough excitement (swimming, boon bounce, cousins etc.), but it was good to know that if I ever need to do that again, I can. I always thought she'd be so out-of-whack by 2pm that it wouldn't even be worth the effort of taking her out in the first place, but she was really great and well-behaved...!

And of course she didn't forget her best-buddy cousin Shlomo!! :)

While she fell asleep on the car ride home at 3pm, and I couldn't put her down until a while after her usual bedtime last night, it was still well worth a day out with family!! Maybe our Sunday visits to the beach this Summer won't look that bleak after all.... Always worth a try!

P.S. I am getting a serious kick out of the fact that Freida is wearing the same bikini for the 3rd summer of her life!! I know Freida is tiny, but am I alone in feeling like swimsuits just never fit any smaller??


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