Happy (Solar) New Year!!

Thought I'd take a little minute out of my morning to wish all you readers and mothers a very happy, very healthy, super-hero-esque productive new year! As I've mentioned last year, though we celebrate the start of our year in September with the Jewish holiday of Rosh Hashanah, for a Mom - there are some serious implications that come about through starting a fresh new page in a fresh new planner. I've broken down the planner thing in 2009, and I'm still using the same trusty classic Gallery Leather version, but this year I went with the family-style edition. Though, my sister-in-law (who is, I swear, the most obnoxiously organized woman I've ever met!) is addicted and committed to her Erin Condren Life Planner (and I must admit it does look a hell of a lot more vibrant than my go-to scheduler). In any case, however you choose to organize your life and your tasks-at-hand, wishing you heaps of enjoyment in the year to come!! Hope you get to schedule in ample "date-night"s, "lunch with girlfriend"s, and "spa day"s!! Personally, I am so glad to be starting a new page in life... 2011 was stressful for my family, and was mostly about getting by and figuring things out - school, education, work, family/work/life balance etc. I'm so grateful to be living in a new city and settling into a new and improved lifestyle - there is just no way to compare life with your husband commuting to work and life with him down the block! Our Chanukah was a completely different experience with him home for lighting candles every night, and for me - eating dinner each night with my family (and having an adult there to converse with!) is the most satisfying change ever! I'm so glad to be here, at this moment, nesting a new home, starting a new work venture, with G-d willing, a new baby due to make an appearance next month!! Totally enjoyed transferring all my planner information, and looking forward to a bright new year!!!

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