Menorah Magic

The week before Chanukah it suddenly dawned on me that Freida needed a Menorah. Last year I was able to excuse the lack of a little holiday candelabra with the fact that my little bug was simply too young to be playing with fire (hence, the magnetic variety). This year, after her 3rd birthday and her arrival at the "age of education", came her entering into the covenant of Jewish women through the igniting of a Shabbos flame (more on that beatific ritual and her arrival at the threshold later), there was no getting around the colorful little Chanukah candles!

When I asked Freida what kind of Menorah she wanted to light, she was quick to reply "a war elephant!". That majestic battle animal had graced the full-colored spreads of her many Chanukah books (especially this one), and apparently she took to the beast. :)

I found the idea online of using Model Magic clay to create a Menorah out of any form (toy, object etc.), and we walked down the block to Blick to pick up a $2 bag of white clay. We then picked up a big pack of colorful Chanukah candles and headed home to get crafting.

I opted out of using Freida's beloved Shleich elephant, and opted for the plastic $1 Target version instead (it was bigger anyways).

You basically just smoosh some model magic onto the top of any object of your choice, stick in the candles securely and let the whole thing dry with the candles in it.

Once dry, remove the candles and spray paint (or simply paint) the whole thing. You can even get bling-y and add some glue and glitter for a more glam effect.

Light up!!

You don't need to worry about the wax dripping all over - it pops right off the painted surface. The most important thing with this Menorah is to never let those candles burn all the way down - spray paint is rather flammable, if you know what I'm saying. Also, the Model Magic burns to a char. :)

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