Year One!

Shocked at how quickly time passes! Can't believe it's been one whole year since I started blogging...

This whole web venture started out with this post (though, this was the first actual post), and was initially intended as a spot to store, save, and share my bookmarks and favorites with family and friends. I had never imagined the volume of feedback that would be received! This has evolved into a wonderful journey, sharing in a sisterhood, of sorts, with other mothers, wives, and homemakers. Over this year, I met with and spoke with so many fabulously talented people in the design industry, blogosphere, and preschools - would never have had so many opportunities if not for all you dear readers!

So whether you've been with me since the beginning or are reading this here on your very first visit, want to give you a gigantic shout-out of thanks! Thanks for reading this blog and supporting my work!! Could never have done it without you!

Please continue to share your finds, experiences, tips etc. And spread the FreidaFroo joy to all your girlfreinds!

Cheers! Here's to another year of design, style, and function; of adding some sparkle to potty-training, a touch of glamour to washing dishes, and to finding and keeping the fun vested in the best jobs on earth!!

(Celebratory image via photostream)

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