Of Crowns and Kings

With the crux of Jewish holidays just around the corner, the ideas and concepts we want to teach children are in a heaping pile. There are so many rituals and customs creeping up on us at mach speed, getting the important messages across properly can seem simply daunting. There is one, however, that I think is of primary importance; can't greet the "King in the field" (never mind coronate Him!) until you know what a king is!

Turns out, this wasn't an easy feat. Sure, she's heard of kings - but unfortunately only of the nasty variety; Pharaoh, Achashvarosh, Antiochus etc. And crowns simply registered as "princess".

But with a little education and a lot more explanation we landed at a place of mutual agreement; G-d is the best king and "in charge" of the whole world. That worked for me. :)

(Although, once wearing the crown I did overhear her calling herself "Queen Esther" amidst all the tip-toe twirling...)

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