DIY natural Playdough

Since moving out to Southern California, I've learned to stop anticipating those cleansing rainfalls; they simply don't grace us with their downpours. Ever. So when the grey skies come around - we are caught quite off guard. I couldn't even imagine spending the entire day indoors (no park? no walk? no frolicking in the grass?)...

So after a trip to (the always trusty!) Barnes & Nobles kids section, i had to think up some quick, at home entertainment ideas.

Made this play dough in 5 minutes flat! Natural, edible (just in case!), and totally sustainable (ziploc bag, anyone?).

Nature's Playdough recipe:

1 cup flour 1/2 cup salt 1 cup water 2 tablespoons oil 2 tablespoons cream of tartar

food coloring or vegetable juices (beet, spinach, carrot, tomato)

Mix flour, salt, cream of tartar, and oil, and slowly add the water. Cook over medium heat, stirring until dough becomes stiff. Turn out onto cutting board and let cool (3 minutes). Knead the playdough with your hands until of proper consistency. Use as is, or divide into balls and add a few drops coloring.

(I used a box of Kroger NEON food coloring that I had leftover in my pantry- you can find it at any supermarket with the cake decorating items.)

Happy playdough-ing!

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