Shout-out to the Daddies!!

Happiest Father's Day to all you fantastical Daddies out there!!

It took me about 4 years to finally realize that the DaddyFroo in this house is not as keen on the sweet breakfasts (french toast, waffles, pancakes, cream etc.) as he would greatly prefer a savory spread. That's what he got this morning. Sunny sides on french baguettes, smoked salmon, garlic and herb butter, muenster cheese, tomatos, basil etc.. Apparently I have been found guilty of committing the all-too-popular male-crime of assuming my spouse liked what I liked. This breakthrough breakfast tray puts us in a better place. :)

We all know the secrets to a happy man: food. (Plus some other more interactive things.) So showing them some yearly gratitude is easy as pie. Or in our case, rye.

Freida usually enjoys the cooking part of breakfast time, so I opted to get her involved in some other ways this year (since we were skipping all that pancake flipping!). We've been working on sprucing up Daddy's workspace (his looks rather drab now that mine is decked out!). We made a simple little framed handprint, wrapped it in newsprint, and topped with a paper tie!

Shout-out to all you wonderfully helpful and happy husbands!! We could never do this job without you!!!

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