Weekend Round-up!

What are you up to this weekend? My mom is coming to visit tomorrow morning, and I'm very much looking forward to sharing a few solid summer days with her and watching my girls interact with their Bubby (mostly I'm just excited to show off Hudi's fat baby legs, though! :) My younger sister (we'll miss you Rivkee!) will also be staying with us until Thursday when she'll be jetting out to NYC for the summer. Plus, my brother is driving in from San Diego tomorrow with his two daughters to hang out with us for the day. We've got a full-house, folks! So we'll be keeping the plans simple and efficient: swimming out back, a walk to the ice cream shop, the afternoon in a well-shaded park, and a pizza + salad dinner picnic. #Foolproof. :)

Anyways, while I make sure I have enough clean bedding for everyone, here are some things I've stumbled upon this week that I though you might enjoy:

- Talk about pizza + salad!

- Freida's favorite, most-worn dress is now on sale - check it out!

- Creative cardboard madness!!

- Currently coveting these flats for fall!

- Fun Mad Men facts that you totally didn't know.

- How precious is the watermelon rattle Hudi is holding??

- Lego Anatomy totally made me laugh out loud!

- These blocks would make for such a fun arts and crafts project!

- For some reason these fashion-shoot photos really inspired me... (?)

- Clash it or match it??

- These are perfect for picnicking!

Hope you have a wonderfully summery weekend!! Lap up the sunshine!

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