Filtering by Category: Beauty

Fall In

Can't believe the start of this weekend is heralding the beginning of yet another new season! I feel like summer flew right on by and fall is suddenly upon us! Not that I'm complaining; I always find myself looking forward to all the cozy goodies that come with the autumn weather (not to mention holidays spent appreciating autumn bounty and cool nights spent outdoors with family surrounded by scents of cedar and fern)!

Can't wait to get this season started with deep red lipstick, chunky knit sweaters, and seasonal shades of laquer!

Wishing you all a happy leap into this fabulously cozy season! Happy weekend ladies!!

P.S. View more beatific apple orchard photos here.


(Long) Weekend Round-up!

Hope you all had a fabulous extended weekend and squeezed out the very last essential drops of summertime - just enough to get you through the year! :)

Labor Day always brings about mixed-emotional nostalgia for me. Sad to see summer go and just-happy-enough to head on straight into autumn. And with the Jewish month heralding a bitter-sweet end to the past 12 months and a brand spankin' new year just around the corner... the seasons turn and I'm ready - bring it!

Anyways, while I devise a plan to enhance my new year and create some tangible resolutions, here are a few things I've been meaning to share with you:

- dinosaur trend; an adorably edgy DIY for your tresses.

- the world via Suri Cruz (been laughing at this all weekend)!! 

- cutest-ever lunch labels (PDF) to spice up the brown bag!

- most perfect polish for fall.

- we're currently loving the Green Album!

- most gorgeous 4 piece crib set - still at a measly $71 (!!) someone grab this!

- simple dinner deliciousness!

Hope you're weekend was just lovely!! And best of luck in returning to the trenches....! :)

(P.S. Malibu beach, baby.)

Here & Hair

We're having a sick day here at home this Monday. Freida picked up a stomach virus and has been up all night (and I mean all night!) throwing up. Parenthood never ceases to amaze me, and when a child goes through 7 pairs of pajamas, 3 crib sheets, 2 queen sheets, 2 pillow cases, some carpet tiles (I kid you not!), and her sleep-deprived parents continue to pleasantly and dutifully clean up, wipe up, and change her - it's motherhood magic! My sick little girl was crying for water, but every chug she took induced another bout of vomiting minutes later. Definitely not the most glamourous part of parenting; but by far, the most radical embodiment of human care. Anyways, poor Freida is doing much better now, thank God, and has pretty much spent the day sleeping on and off and slowly ingesting fluids and soup broth. I on the other hand, have enjoyed this much-too-tired-to-do-anything-else low-key of a day; working on my recipe cards, and playing around with different hot-mess looks for my (shaitel) hair via this and that:


Hopefully Freida will be feeling better soon, but for now these options are nice break from my usual.

Spring Finger

I so love this time of year: purging the bathroom drawer of cloudy gray, muted plums, and too-deep red shades of nail polish. They were beautiful, and they served me well through winter; but now it's time to shine! Can't wait to stock up on these new $6 neon nail lacquers from American Apparel! Aside from the sheer fun of rainbow-on-steroids nail color, you wouldn't believe how exciting neutral get-ups (hello, summer khaki!) can get when paired with neon crazy finger-tip color!

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