Filtering by Category: DJ Froo


We've landed! Calling all babymamas of the greater Los Angeles area: join us on Mondays for a morning of baby-style rock 'n roll, super sensory explorations, and physical interactive activities and play. Meet and chat with other modern mamas, share a parenting tip or two over a steamy cappuccino, and relish in watching your little tykes explore and discover the world around them.

Come and check out what's about to go down at our free/trial session this Monday, November 21 at Shaarei Tefila - 7269 Beverly blvd! Come for the kids; stay for the fun!!

Feel free to contact me with questions or for more information:


Being Elmo

It's no small feat, Elmo. I think most parents would agree that the concept of that little red monster is somehow magical. Kids fall in love with Elmo - sometimes at first sight! His giggle is infectious and his love is enchanting; uplifting. I, for one, am extremely curious about what it was like being and creating Elmo. I'm totally looking forward to getting a glimpse at the maker of Elmo and the magic-maker of a timeless lovable furry little character!


(Long) Weekend Round-up!

Hope you all had a fabulous extended weekend and squeezed out the very last essential drops of summertime - just enough to get you through the year! :)

Labor Day always brings about mixed-emotional nostalgia for me. Sad to see summer go and just-happy-enough to head on straight into autumn. And with the Jewish month heralding a bitter-sweet end to the past 12 months and a brand spankin' new year just around the corner... the seasons turn and I'm ready - bring it!

Anyways, while I devise a plan to enhance my new year and create some tangible resolutions, here are a few things I've been meaning to share with you:

- dinosaur trend; an adorably edgy DIY for your tresses.

- the world via Suri Cruz (been laughing at this all weekend)!! 

- cutest-ever lunch labels (PDF) to spice up the brown bag!

- most perfect polish for fall.

- we're currently loving the Green Album!

- most gorgeous 4 piece crib set - still at a measly $71 (!!) someone grab this!

- simple dinner deliciousness!

Hope you're weekend was just lovely!! And best of luck in returning to the trenches....! :)

(P.S. Malibu beach, baby.)

Soft Rock

One of our friends (Thanks Zarina!) recently gave Freida an itty-bitty guitar, and while she's now just old enough to appreciate the string variety, I would love to have happened upon this stuffed pillow version when she was just learning to stand and obsessed with the real guitars in the house. For now she's been having a blast practicing strumming and plucking at the acrylic 4 string guitar, but I'm secretly planning an intervention - I'd love to order some wooden Ukuleles for all of us to learn together this summer...

But back to the super-rad find - electric guitar pillows! How seriously rock 'n roll these would be strewn across the bed or couch in a boy's room, or residing lonely on a nursery rocking chair, or even claiming some space on the family room sofa! Soft and colorful, these stuffed guitar pillows are screaming for some soft-rock love songs...

Guitar Pillow, by Gabriela Pardo $55

(Those of you reading from Israel can find this and other designs by Gabriela Pardo and other posh and modern baby gear at a new Tel-Aviv shoppe called Peanuts.)

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