Filtering by Category: Beauty

Happy Father Day + Weekend Round-up!!

Hello friends! "Mommy Camp" had commenced on Friday, and with a sweet, bright and sunshine-filled start (frozen yogurt and hours at Coldwater Canyon Park), I'm very much looking forward to Summer filled with heaps of fresh air, frequent trips, and lots of hands-on learning! So happy to be able to spend the next few months watching my little girls laugh,eat, play, and grow - together.

Anyways, while I re-arrange and pencil in some more of our June lessons plans, and decide just how decadently we'll be treating Mr. Dad tomorrow morning, here's a list of things I've been checking out this week:

- A hilarious song (that Freida and I have been singing non-stop!) to kickstart your weekend!

- Can't wait to make these oats + caramel bars this week to keep in stock for impromptu summer picnics.

- Wondering if I can pull-off neon eyeliner...?

- The absolute cutest little pair of baby girl shoes!!

- Water blob's look freaking awesome!! Will definitely be trying this out over the summer!

- More elephant awesomeness!

- Coveting this grey bathing beauty.

- This new iPad app looks like heaps of artistic fun!

- Ha! Love this!!

Have a lovely weekend! And special thanks to all the Daddies out there - you make it all worthwhile!!!

Belly Art

Have any of you mamas out there ever done pregnant belly art? I'm so intrigued by the concept! I've been seen henna-decorated bellies since my pregnancy with Frieda, but never thought I'd actually go for it! Perhaps it's due to the fact that I'm currently on a decorating-stint with nesting our new home and all... or maybe I just like the fear-factor of messing the thing up and being stuck with some gnarly brown design on my stomach for the next 2 weeks. :)

In any case, I'm totally smitten by the ritual and plan on picking up a henna set and letting my husband go wild with his middle-eastern side this weekend - right onto my growing belly. Here's to celebrating the life we grow inside - through random and far-out rituals!!

Butter: Free of the Dirty Three

Once you discover Butter, it will become a cosmetic staple - taking up permanent digs in your bathroom credenza. I bought my first bottle when I wanted to paint Freida's nails for the first time, and I've been hooked ever since. As an asthmatic I've come to appreciate when things are really "free" and "clear" (laundry detergents, air fresheners, carpet cleaning etc.), I just never thought I'd actually find a good quality nail laquer that could live up to the tagline of being "free"; painting my nails always involved holding my breathe for extended periods of time! :)

Butter London is free of the "dirty 3": Formaldehyde, Toluene, and DBP (plus free of all parabens)! And toxic-free nail color may not be a novelty to you; the quality of these varnishes are surely something to write home about - I'd take a bottle of this polish over a Chanel nail laquer any day!!

Great for giving even the littlest of divas manis and pedis - sans all that chemical guilt (I previously blogged about Hopscotch Kids toxin-free polish for little fingers and toes). And even more importantly, for mamas-to-be (DBP has been controversially linked to birth defects in animal testing) who should be steering clear of all hazardous chemicals for at least 9 months, and may not necessarily think of a weekly manicure as hazardous. Or may think there's no alternative... here you have it ladies!

Also, for those of you living in the Los Angeles area, a friend of mine (thanks Dini!!) recently tipped me off about a new toxin-free, baby-friendly wax and nail spa on Santa Monica blvd! Plush Beauty Bar  was created with moms in mind, featuring a children's play area, stroller parking, low-fume products and services, comfy armchairs for nursing in, bathrooms with changing tables, staff to help out on baby-watch, and fast services for those short attention spans! I never brought Freida with me to salons and spas when she was a baby, and I'm sure my girly glamour suffered as a result.  I seriously can't wait to check this place out - so glad to know about this before baby #2 arrives and steals my beauty routine! :)



The Glow

While browsing the www for some chic, new maternity threads (it's time), I happened upon a simplistic photo-themed website called The Glow. While there is nothing particularly extraordinary about this collection of images, to me there is something so intrinsically magically maternal within these shots; everyday motherhood, and the shine that comes with it.

I doubt I'm the only one who feels this way, but somehow I find that our circle of religious mothers seem to perpetually focus on the rigorous aspects of motherhood; from negative body changes, to no-sleep cycles, to loss of social life, to malnutrition due to lack of time etc. Generally speaking, there is plenty of kvetching going on. And while the complaints may all be more than validated, without focusing on the wonder as well - it simply takes away from the essential beauty that comes within the gift of mothering a child.

I know I may very well be one of those people who live in a dream world, and have a la-dee-da attitude about life, but it works for me. Finding the good and beauty and the whit and the whimsy makes me feel good. It makes me function well. And, as a bonus, it makes me happy. It may not always be the easiest thing for me to do, especially when I'm looking at a just-been-cleaned room strewn with toys, or a sensory exploration gone awry all over the subjects clothing and hair, or an early-morning wake up call after a rather sleepless night... but there is always something within all of that that can bring about a smile.

There's always some glory within the mess to wonder about. There is always a cheeky 2 year old smile, a witty and genius kid-sized response to the wrongdoing, a set of pudgy little hands reaching up for an embrace... it's all there within the day-to-day rigor of parenting in general, and mothering in particular.

I may need a grande latte to get to that vantage point, but when I'm there - everything is better. And more beautiful. And when we're looking at beauty, we radiate beauty. If we choose to look at the agony, that's what we'll look like. Our bodies may be warping, but if we choose to keep our self-image intact throughout the many changes, we will in fact be more beautiful than ever before.

I know I'm ranting. More to myself than to you all, but this little collection of glamorous photography has inspired my morning! :)

So weather you are packing up perpetual lunches for your 5 children, whipping up a gourmet breakfast for your one and only, or rubbing your first growing belly, try to find that glow! And capture it.

Well I'm off to the park for the next few hours with my baby girl and my baby bump! Wishing you all a glamorous day in the motherhood! :)


On the Move + Weekend Round-up!

So much commotion has been going down in the cozy little home of ours! We are so excited to announce that, thank God, we signed off on a duplex lease last week and are mid-move to the glorious city of Los Angeles!!  While we have been looking to move for about a year now, we did not expect it to happen this fast (but some incredibly undeniable offers have been thrown our way and so we jumped at opportunity!), and we're still sort of in shock-drop-and roll mode; packing up boxes, picking paint colors, but not quite grasping the entirety of the transition just yet... But, with the hecticness of the holidays behind us now, and on the recovery from our annual post-Tishrei sick week, reality should be hitting home any time now. :)

About those opportunities; Manasseh has been offered a really fulfilling job that is right up his favorite alley - revamping the youth program for our new Shul and community, Shaarei Tefilah. We are supremely excited to be joining such a young, growing, and thriving community, and can't wait to get started. The first plan of action will be renovating the youth rooms (Freidafroo style!), and the before and after photos should prove to make some really fun blog posts in the next few weeks - look forward!

Also (yes there's even more!), I'm so totally stoked to be announcing that I will, God Willing, be starting a Mommy & Me class!! As a collaboration between Congregation Shaarei Tefilah and a wonderfully kind group of women behind the organization Yad Le'Ima, I was offered the job and can not be more excited to get it off the ground!!! If you live in the greater Los Angeles area, have a child under 2 years old, and are looking for an insanely awesome way to spend a weekday morning (a creative round of exploration and bonding for the tots, a lovely morning of coffee, socializing, and parent-networking for the moms!), stay on the lookout for the exact dates and times and how to get yourself and your brood signed up to the classes! I will keep you posted, but if you know you are interested right off the bat, please email me ( so that I know if I am looking at some crazy number of mamas! :)

At the moment, I am pondering how will get through our last Shabbos in Long Beach, being that Freida has diligently dumped all her toys into some empty moving boxes and her room is practically reeking: vacancy. On the upside, she's been sleeping in our bed, which has proved to be super cozily delicious!  Thankfully, our move in date is Tuesday, November 1st (!!), so it won't be long now. Can't wait to give you a peek at the new place, and share the transition and home improvements with you all...!

On a side note, being that I've been so swamped, I've been feeling guilty and figured I'd at least leave you with a little weekend round-up to make up for lost posts. Here are some things I would have blogged about had I had the time:

- Crewcuts for Babies debuted this week - sheer deliciousness!

- Clever wall treatment for a shared bedroom.

- How to make your own pinatas!

- These office prints made me laugh out loud.

- Great gift for moms of boys!

- Handmade Charlotte at Anthropologie!!

- Black smoke is back!

- Hoooked Zpagetti looks awesome!

- Autumn soup at it's best!

Wishing you all the lovliest of weekends!! Enjoy the beautiful fall weather, and take advantage of all the pumpkin patches and fall festivals going on in your town! I'm very much looking forward to the peace of Shabbos, and relishing in the last weekend with our family here on this side of town.... here's to bittersweet beginnings!






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