Filtering by Category: Baby

Falling in Love. Again.

Last week Hudi and I went on a quick jaunt to visit my family in Chicago, where we met up with my sister and her little babe as well. My sister Shterni had a baby girl 4 months after I did, and my Bubby hadn't yet seen either of the little ladies! I booked my ticket with some R&R in mind, but I knew essentially this trip was more about the babies than the mommies. (Though, packing up in my teeny-tiny DVF weekender suitcase proved to be a vacation in and of itself! Traveling solo with an 8-month old was pretty wicked on the supplies front - I remember having to bring tons of crap when I would travel with Freida as a baby, but somehow I slowly streamlined my goods and now traveling with a tot is a snap! But more on that later.. :)) Anyways, I absolutely relished in spending time alone with Hudi and really focusing on her and all her little gloriousness! I know that sounds obnoxious since I spend time with her everyday while Freida's off at school, but seriously, getting away with her (like last time!) taught me so much more about her!! Just being with her like that, away from everything else, lent me the calm to witness her incredible character development without any distractions. And those few days of un-interrupted togetherness were just precious!

Do you ever notice that when young children travel they seem to learn something new or grow in a huge way? I always feel like when we take a trip, going away for a holiday or something like that, somehow the babies seem to master some new skill or learn to do something ridiculously adorable! So I'm always left wondering if it's the clear mind that enables me to notice these things, or if they are, in fact, new. Truthfully, it's not at all about her big sister being around - I honestly believe that older sibling give so much more to the development of a child than parents can offer alone - it's more about being away from everything else. Being away from the phone, the dishes, the carpools, the jobs, projects, and deadlines. It's being at one with each moment, and being available in entirety because there is nothing else to do. It's lying alongside her all night long (and not caring that we're deviating from the sleep-training), waking up before sunrise to her sweet little voice (and not freaking out that I'll be too tired later while trying to get work done), taking her with on our shopping/lunch date (and not minding that she'll be missing a nap or two). It's just about being with her, and loving her, and learning her. It was mostly just the fact that those few days were simply about being. And not at all about trying...

And when we arrived home, after a 3-day breather, it was all that much easier. Hudi took to sleep training and night-weaning in such a trusting and easy-going way, and I really feel like it was due to the few days spending a concentrated amount of time with her mama. Once the sleep-training was in order, so was the napping. And while that leaves me home-bound for a few hours of the day, it re-introduced me to what a solid napping routine lends the mom; the amazing tranquility and productivity that we get from those daily quiet hours! Plus, that teeny-tiny little trip helped me so much to re-group, that arriving home afterwards had me feeling so much more in control of my life, and of my work/life balance in particular. Thanks for trekking out with me, Hudi! Looking forward to many more one-on-one vacations from life - be it one-on-one with my husband, my daughters, or myself. :)

Six Months!

Last month we celebrated little Hudi in the most delicious of ways! One morning I casually mentioned to Manasseh that it was Hudi's half-birthday, and when Freida heard that...! The half-birthday party planning ensued: she asked a million questions about "half-birthdays", months, years, old people etc.! :) And that was that. There was simply no getting around this one. Not without a cupcake, at the very least. So, we made a trip to Babycakes NYC in search of the perfect cupcake for our baby girl...

All I can think of when I look at these pictures is the quote "I love you more than a fat kid loves cake"!!

I definitely think this was the most fun she's had. Ever.

Thanks for idea, Freida! Best big-sister ever!

P.S. I can't believe she's halfway to year already!! Insane!

Freidafroo + Babyccino = PLAY!

So here's the latest installment, girls: I'm starting a modern form of "day care"  in my home this year! I've been thinking about doing something like this for a while now, and since Freida will be going off to school in September, and I'll be home giving myself over to Hudi and her itty-bitty education set on exploring her life and the world around her - I thought I'd invite some other little ones over to play! I'll be opening my home to little friends for 3 hours, 3 days a week - in a quest to bring babies together for our teeny-tiny explorations and adventures!

Here is the mock-up for how I envision PLAY:

The goal of PLAY is to encourage little children to grow through play, and to learn through fun - we're not afraid to get our hands dirty in the process. Little senses will be developed as we expose young fingers to a myriad of textures, small ears to many different forms of sound and music, little palates and noses to diverse tastes, flavors, and aromas and an array of interesting things to look at and learn about. Also, early social skills will develop as the children share time together, and will be honed as they continuously interact with their little friends. Baby sign language is continuously being proven to minimize the frustration of pre-talkers and in turn reduce early tantrums and meltdowns, and will be used consistently by the care-takers while playing, eating, and especially - transitioning. Think of PLAY as a teeny-tiny community made up of the most important pint-sized individuals on kids.
Obviously, that was much too much information to slap onto a postcard or flyer, but here you have it folks.
Since PLAY will only be operating 3 days a week, it's really ideal for 3 different moms: "the freelancer" (can enroll her child and obtain 9 uninterrupted day-time work hours a week!), "the part-time employee" (can reap the benefits of some educational care vs. housekeeper care - a few hours a week of social interactivity with other babies and age-appropriate education and exploration), and "the full-time mom" (can double-down on her sanity by freeing-up some time for peaceful grocery shopping, or solo exercising - while feeling great about what her baby is getting up to in the meantime!).
But of course, it's just great for everyone and anyone who wants to give their baby some real time to PLAY!
We're now open for registration!! If you're interested, please email me: freidafroo@gmail(dot)com as space is very limited.

Moonrise Kingdom-inspired Nursery

Have you been to see Moonrise Kingdom yet? I haven't, but I love Wes Anderson, and am looking forward to seeing it just takes a bit of nudging to get my husband to go in on the whole indie film thing with me. :) (Though, I won't tell you which movie I did see twice this week! :).

Anyways, I spotted this Moonrise Kingdrom-inspired nursery and fell in love!


Talking about my sister, I've been meaning to share a rather surprisingly entertaining baby toy with you. Right after Hudi was born Shterni drove out here to see the new little lady and recrute my mom to Arizona. She came with a bag full of goodies - for me, Freida, the baby, the house - but one of her gifts struck gold in baby-land: this crinkle toy. Hudi has been in awe of the thing ever since I started strapping it to the side of her car seat or stroller - she's mesmerized. It even brought about her first coo! The baby-love equation is easy: a simple square of fabric filled with crinkly material, a velcro strap for a pacifier (i use it to attach the toy to a baby link), a bright-colored button to fiddle with, and a strip of tag-like knotted fabric to suck on, bite on, or simply grab. Turns out, Kathe Kruse is kind of a baby toy whisperer. Also, I love how the embroidered pattern is so design-y. Most kids toys look like bulky, fun, and outrageusly ugly; this one looks like a sample of Missoni fabric!!

I can't imagine a baby not liking this - makes a great baby gift!!

P.S. Don't you love how Hudi's fat baby legs make the perfect spot to stash Freida's sipster?? :)

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